Community Stories
A collection of puzzle box tales from the Quest Box™ community.

The Great Labyrinth Adventure
An mischievous Illinois man sends his friend Elizabeth on a diabolical quest to famous Chicago-area hedge maze.

An Astronaut's Wedding
The country’s only second-generation astronaut treats his new wife to an international puzzle box quest spanning three continents — the longest quest in history!

All You Can Eat Cupcakes!
After solving a series of puzzles, the neighborhood kids face their greatest and final challenge: a locked Reverse Geocache. Their quest leads them to the best of all imaginable prizes: all-you-can-eat cupcakes!
Adding to this page
Would you like to contribute your puzzle box story to this list? Send your story to with the following information provided:
- The general description of the Master and Subject of the quest and their relationship. Are you the Master?
- The contents of the box and their significance.
- The destination, and its significance, especially in lat/long or map format, if available.
- The .quest file of the quest, if available.
- A short history of what happened, how it was planned, etc.
- Photos, web links, anything that might be useful.
- Plans for future quests.